Environment and Planet

As a provider of disposable products, we take responsibility for our part in tackling issues related to the environment. Our goals are set and we are in the process of mapping our journey to fulfill our 2030 climate targets.


Together for Change


We aim to reduce our environmental impact by minimizing our use of fossil and virgin resources, promoting ecolabeled products, and assisting our customers with their visions for the future.


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Diaper System 2030

Each year, diapers generate around 50-100,000 tons of waste in Denmark.

At ABENA, we are trying to do our part to minimize this amount.

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Our stories

Dive into our stories and learn more about our best-practices from all over the world.

Transforming the Diaper System

In March 2024, we joined forces with the University of Southern Denmark, Design School Kolding, Aarhus and Odense municipalities, and Odense Renovation to uncover the possibility of making Denmark's diaper system more circular by 2030.

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Testing New Technologies

In Växjö, Sweden, we are testing a technology that optimizes the airflow from our ventilation system.

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Recycling the Core

In 2024, we acquired a Core Cleaning Machine, which allows us to separate waste cores from tissue and PE used in the production of laminate and protective sheets.

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Changing to LED

Throughout 2023, ABENA is replacing all lamps in the warehouse and production facilities in Denmark.

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Climate change

The production of disposables requires a vast amount of energy, just as long logistics routes also cause additional GHG emissions.

We seek to lower CO₂ emission levels in our supply chain (including scope 1, 2, and 3) and improve our use of raw materials.

Circular economy

Disposables are currently not geared for a circular future. Legislations are tightened and the technologies to handle full circularity are still to be developed. 

We want to improve waste recycling and focus on integrating recycled materials into our products.

Certificates and ecolabels

It can be difficult to find products that take social, environmental, and economic factors into consideration.

We want to make it easy to make fact-based decisions when purchasing our products. By certifying our products and production methods, we help our customers choosing their right products. 

"We take concrete steps to reach our targets"

“I like that ABENA not only talks about making a difference, but actively takes concrete steps to reach the climate targets – for instance in the form of product adjustments and developing the protective wear assortment."

- Minna Boman, ABENA in Finland

Towards 2030

Explore our progress towards reaching our 2030 targets in our latest ESG report.

Download ESG report

choose your impact

Life cycle assessments

With our Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tool, we can calculate the environmental footprint of our products.

We can compare different combinations of raw materials, packaging solutions, transportation methods, and end-of-life handling,  so you get to choose your products based on your vision.

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