
It should be easy buying all you need for an efficient workday in your business. With our one-stop-shop, you get solutions tailored to your industry. More than products for your production, we also deliver paper, cleaning, and waste management systems. 

Hygiene & Cleaning 

Effective Cleaning and Hygiene 

Clean production facilities send an important message to your customers. Securing a high hygiene level is essential, but the working conditions for the employees are as equally important.

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Advantages in source seperation

Industry, consumers, and legislators are increasingly demanding source seperation and sustainability. There are great advantages in optimising source separation, both environmentally and financially. New EU waste legislation increases focus on the prevention and reduction of waste in a circular economy.

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paper solution

Blue Traceable Paper for Production Sites

In our range, you will find blue paper with a traceable effect that can help strengthen both safety and hygiene in your food production. Should an employee drop a piece of paper, the blue colour can easily be retrieved and removed.
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Knowledge Center

Paper towels are more hygienic than dryers

In order to avoid cross-contamination, it is important to exercise good hand hygiene by washing and drying your hands to perfection. In public restrooms, it is common to use an electric hand dryer system. But studies show that hand dryers spread bacteria much more than traditional paper towels.

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Protect your hands with the right glove

We know hands and fingers are important tools for employees working in the food industry. They are highly exposed in many situations, and finding the right glove for each task is paramount. At ABENA, we are always ready to support you with the right solution for your needs and industry.

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Proper hand hygiene prevents spread of infection

Good hand hygiene is considered the single most important factor in preventing spread of infectious diseases.

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Your Shortcut to Ecolabeled Cleaning

An ecolabeled cleaning solution protects you, your surroundings, and the environment from unnecessary exposure to toxic substances.

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With every certificate, we are obliged to follow strict regulations and requirements, which is your guarantee that the products are safe for both you and the environment.

Getting started with sustainability

We work hard to reduce our footprint on the environment so that you can do the same. You can choose products that suit your vision for reducing the environmental impact.
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Save time with full documentation

 Our product solutions always live up to government standards. We provide full documentation which is time-saving for our customers, as we supply in-depth information upfront.
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