
How we lead change

Because we care, it is our vision to provide quality of life to users of our products – always with sustainability in mind.

We want to use our position to lead change. To us, sustainability means innovation, recycling and reusing, and collaboration. It means daring to take the first step. It means using data to improve our progress. And finally, it means joining forces with others to change the way we work and futureproof our product assortment.

Our mission

Our commitment to our 2030 targets guides our every step forward. We aim for clear goals that we want to reach while we keep in mind sustainability progress is a journey without a clear end destination.

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Collaboration for success

We want to act responsibly throughout our supply chain without compromising the environment, the quality, or our social responsibility obligations.

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Ethical conduct

We expect our suppliers, business partners, and other stakeholders to follow the same ethical conduct as we expect from each other.

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