20 years of eco-labelled incontinence products

ABENA’s incontinence products have been labelled with the Nordic Swan Eco-label for more than 20 years. Today, 80% of ABENA’s incontinence products are labelled with the Nordic Swan Eco-label as well as 100% of our raw materials for these products.

Today, 80 percent of ABENA's incontinence products, as well as 100 percent of the raw materials for these products, are Nordic Ecolabelled. This makes us Europe's largest manufacturer of Nordic Ecolabelled absorbent hygiene products. We offer over 2,500 products certified with the Nordic Swan label, which guarantees a green product that suits all needs. In addition, we provide a number of purchased catering, skin and body care products that are Nordic Ecolabelled. 

What does it mean to be certified with the Nordic Ecolabel?

The purpose of the Nordic Ecolabel Swan is to reduce the products' total impact on the environment, the climate and our general health. When you choose a Nordic Ecolabelled product, you contribute to reducing the impact on the environment - and you can be sure that the product you have chosen is among the best in its category. This means that you make the best possible choice when it comes to environmental impact.

It takes many well-thought-out choices and systematic work to achieve the necessary quality to be certified with the Swan Ecolabel. There must also be a great deal of transparency in the companies that supply raw materials and in the total production process.

The Nordic Ecolabel is an environmental labeling system that contributes to sustainable consumption and production.

It is one of the world's toughest and most recognized environmental certifications. The purpose of the Nordic Ecolabelled Swan is to reduce the products' total impact on the environment, the climate and our general health.

Let us guide you

Third-party inspection: Swan-labelled production is transparent production

One of the Swan Ecolabelled strengths is the independent third-party inspection of raw materials and the actual product manufacturing. This means that the manufacturer and raw material supplier must be transparent regarding the purchasing of raw materials and the production process in several stages. The inspection means, for example, that all ABENA's sub-suppliers of raw materials are obliged to hand over otherwise confidential information about materials and processes. They may also be inspected by Ecolabelling Denmark.

The independent third-party inspection is an extra security for the consumer, and it is also the biggest difference between having been awarded the Nordic Ecolabel and claiming that the product meets the Nordic Ecolabelling standard. When a product is Nordic Ecolabelled, the value and production chain has been approved by an independent third party.

The search for raw materials for Nordic Ecolabelled products

Since there are not that many suppliers who meet the standards for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, there are also restrictions when it comes to getting raw materials for Swan Ecolabelled production. This requires close cooperation with the suppliers, and in their selection. A systematic and focused collaboration has been developed to ensure quality and specifications for the raw materials we use.

Even raw materials from high-profile suppliers do not always meet the requirements for the Nordic Ecolabel: "We have had to negotiate changes to ingredients and production methods. In this way, we participate in raising the standard for how the industry views the production of raw materials," says Arne Terp-Nielsen, CEO of ABENA Produktion.

Many years of experience are a guarantee for the raw materials

After 39 years of manufacturing incontinence products and almost 25 years with the Nordic Ecolabel, the knowledge of the raw materials - which guarantees an Ecolabel production - is now a natural part of the production process at ABENA produktion.

When a product is labelled with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, it is inspected in accordance with the rules for the Swan Ecolabel. This means that both ABENA Produktion and all relevant raw material suppliers have been inspected by the employees of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel to ensure that the rules are followed.
"Through almost 25 years of experience and the fact that we have been involved in setting the standards for Nordic Swan-labelled incontinence production, it has become a natural part of our quality assurance to ensure that the consumer of the product avoids harmful materials and substances, and that the process of production and waste management causes as little environmental impact as possible," says product and development manager Frank B. Lundsberg.

The proof of quality

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel also places strict demands on the product's function. In general, the product's absorption rate, absorbency and dryness must measure up to other products on the market that are not Nordic Ecolabelled. The rule of thumb is that Nordic Ecolabelled products – in addition to being the best choice for the environment – must also be among the best in their category.

About the Nordic Ecolabel The Swan

The Nordic Swan label has strict requirements for ingredients, unwanted chemicals and materials. The product's entire life cycle, from raw material to production, use, disposal and possible recycling, is part of the evaluation when the requirements are set for Nordic Ecolabelled products.


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